Friday 3 September 2010


How do people play this as a PvE game?

i have been carebearing for a week, wormholes and missions if that was how i was to continue id have to quit.

Altough i have a hefty balance now for Pew.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

All Change explained.....sort of.

I have made a lot of isk in the past via the training and sale of combat pilots, train em up to 10mill with good gunnery, cruiser 5 and good learning, it’s all LD was ever intended for but it didn’t happen and I kept on playing her, until now.

I sold her for a large chunk of isk with the intention of training myself up a Caldari or Gallante main, then I though “fuck that” and reinvested in a readymade character with a decent Sp pool, the thing is with buying a character is that you never get what you want, so you have to go for a decent base to improve.

That’s what im doing, the base is there and then with a month or two of consolidation it will be a pretty damn solid character able to move on towards caps and other T2 BS, ill be keeping it pure Caldari for now, and aiming for some T2 Siege launchers as part of that tidy up (fully T2 BS ftw?).

Also I have been playing the game long enough (4+ years) that I should really start thinking about Cap ships, it’s a goal anyhow.

Still a shit name mind you......Sicko chick

(blog mashed accordingly.)